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Bitcoin halving: does not mean halving of profits

The halving of Bitcoin's yield is a regularly occurring event, the purpose of which is to control inflation by reducing the rate of new Bitcoin generation. This process occurs approximately every four years and is part of the Bitcoin protocol. This event is of significant importance to the Bitcoin network and its participants, as it directly affects the reward structure for miners and the rate of creation of new Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Halving

Many people mistakenly believe that halving the yield will directly lead to a halving of mining profits, but this is not the case.

Structure of Bitcoin Mining Profits

First, we need to understand the composition of Bitcoin mining profits. Mining profits are mainly composed of two parts: block rewards and network transaction fee rewards. Block rewards refer to the number of Bitcoins received by a miner when a new block is successfully mined, while network transaction fee rewards come from the fees collected when processing Bitcoin transactions.

When the yield of Bitcoin is halved, it does indeed affect the part of the block rewards, as the number of Bitcoins in each new block will decrease by 50%. However, this does not mean that the overall income of miners will also decrease by 50%. According to the current distribution, about 60% of the mining income comes from block rewards, and 40% comes from network transaction fees.

Impact of Bitcoin Yield Halving on Profits

Therefore, even if the block reward is reduced by 50%, since the network transaction fee rewards remain unchanged, the overall income will only decrease by about 30%. Moreover, the halving of yield often leads to market expectations of an increase in the value of Bitcoin, which may lead to a rise in the price of Bitcoin. If the price rise is enough to offset the impact of the reduction in block rewards, miners may actually see their profits increase.

Of course, all this depends on market conditions and various factors, including the operating costs of miners, electricity costs, and overall market demand, etc. But what can be assured is, the halving of Bitcoin yield does not equate to halving mining profits.


Overall, the impact of Bitcoin halving on miner profits is limited, especially when considering the part of network transaction fee rewards. For investors, this event may have an impact on the price of Bitcoin, but this impact is multi-faceted and is not solely due to halving. Market supply and demand dynamics, global economic conditions, and investor sentiment will all have an impact on price.

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